Top-Rated Electric Fencing Solutions

Electric fencing solutions provide an effective and affordable alternative to traditional barbed wire and other fences. They can be used to contain livestock, keep out predators and pests or to deter trespassers or thieves. Unlike barbed wire which can cause severe and long lasting injuries, electric fences only send a brief pulse of energy when touched by an animal. This pulse can be enough to scare the animal away and prevent them from attempting to touch it again.

The system consists of an energizer that emits a current pulse whenever the fence is activated; conductors to carry the electricity to and from the ground and between earth points; and insulators to stop surges or spikes throughout the field. When an animal touches the fence the current reaches the ground through them and returns up through the earth via the rods (see diagram). The energizer controls the voltage levels and can be adjusted for different conditions such as hot, cold or frosty weather.

Correctly installed and maintained electric fences can last for many years without losing functionality or becoming brittle. Checking the voltage daily and after storms helps ensure that the fence will always carry enough power to fulfil its function.

Having the correct number and location of ground rods is important to help maintain sufficient voltage to deter animals from touching the fence. A rule of thumb is that there should be 3 feet of ground rods for every joule of an energizer’s output capacity. This is particularly important in a dry season as ground moisture can reduce the voltage on an electrical fence line.

A low voltage fence can result in an unpleasant shock to an animal when it touches the wire, so it is important to check and maintain the voltage regularly. This can be done by using a digital multimeter to read the voltage at the point of contact, or by walking the fence line with a transistor radio tuned off and the volume up to listen for a clicking sound that indicates there is a short in the circuit. If the meter shows that the voltage is high, then this may indicate that vegetation or insulators are touching the conductors.

An animal that touches an electrified fence will feel a cramping sensation similar to a muscle ache. As a result, they will quickly learn to stay away from the area as they will associate this feeling with the electric fence and will avoid it in future.

Electric fences can be used to control a wide range of animals including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry. They are also a great option for keeping out wildlife and predators from calving and lambing areas, chicken coops and beehives.

For more information about electric fence malaysia and the right solution for you, talk to a ProFence expert near you. We can assist with professional installation and ongoing support to guarantee your fences continue to perform optimally. Call us on 1800 00 87 or visit our website for more details.

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